Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2652
This is the number of shares outstanding at the end of the most recent fiscal quarter as reported on the Balance Sheet. This is the number of shares issued minus the shares held in treasury.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2752
This is number of shares outstanding at the end of the most recent interim period 1 year ago as reported on the Balance Sheet. This represents the number of shares issued minus the shares held in treasury.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2648
This is calculated as Current Month Short Interest divided by the Float and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: Float is defined as Shares Outstanding minus Shares Owned by Insiders, 5% Owners, and Rule 144 Shares.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2918
This is calculated as Prior Month Short Interest divided by the Float and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: Float is defined as Shares Outstanding minus Shares Owned by Insiders, 5% Owners, and Rule 144 Shares.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2660
This is calculated as Short Interest 2 Months Ago divided by the Float and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: Float is defined as Shares Outstanding minus Shares Owned by Insiders, 5% Owners, and Rule 144 Shares.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2708
This is calculated as Short Interest 3 Months Ago divided by the Float and is expressed as a percentage. NOTE: Float is defined as Shares Outstanding minus Shares Owned by Insiders, 5% Owners, and Rule 144 Shares.
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2831
This represents the number of days it would take to cover the Short Interest if trading continued at the average daily volume for the month. It is calculated as the Short Interest for the Current Month divided by the Average Daily Volume
Created : Sat , 05 November 2011 21:20 Views : 2567
This represents the number of days it would take to cover the Short Interest if trading continued at the average daily volume for the month. This is calculated as Short Interest for the Previous Month divided by Average Daily Volume 1 Month Ago.